Voucher Control Report
This report is only applicable to sites using Voucher Control, this means that when a voucher is sold a unique reference number is given to that voucher. When the voucher is redeemed, the unique number must be entered. By doing this the system can keep a record of exactly what vouchers have been sold and redeemed.
– Voucher Control Report –
The image above shows the Vouchers Control/Audit Report. From left to right: The first column shows the unique reference number, the next column shows the address code of the member/guest it was issued to, then the issue date and time, operator ID of the issuing staff, the voucher amount, the date redeemed (if applicable), operator ID of the staff redeeming the voucher, the amount used and any outstanding.
There is a ‘Total Voucher Liability’ line at the bottom of the report, this indicates the amount outstanding in vouchers yet to be redeemed.