Retail / Leisure / PMS / Spa Permissions #
General Access
Allows access to the main menu at initial login.
Till Sales
Allows access to the point of sale routine option from the main menu. Also allows user to login and complete standard transactions.
X Reports
Allows access to the x reports option from the main menu.
Customer File
Allows access to the customer details option from the main menu. Please note that this is only a cut-down version of the one used in the administration system.
Stock Routines
Allows access to the stock routines option from the main menu.
Allows access to the print standard reports option from the main menu.
Allows access to the utilities option from the main menu, this also includes amending password files, maintaining documents and maintenance routines.
Run X Reports
Allows the operator to run x reports, however, x reports must also be allowed.
Electronic Till Roll
Allows the operator to view the electronic till roll, however, x reports must also be allowed.
Cash Up Till
Allows the operator to cash up the till they are using, however, x reports must also be allowed.
Amend Sundries
Allows the operator to create/amend/delete sundry keys from the amend tables menu.
Amend Presets
Allows the operator to create/amend/delete POS presets from the amend tables menu.
Maintain Stock Items
Allows the operator to create/amend/delete stock files, however, stock routines must also be allowed.
Stock Valuation
Allows the operator to view a current or historic stock valuation, however, stock routines must also be allowed.
Usage Levels
Allows the operator to calculate usage levels, however, stock routines must also be allowed.
Stock Orders
Allows the operator to create/amend/delete a stock order, however, stock routines must also be allowed.
Stock Transfers
Allows the operator to complete a stock transfer from within a stock file, however, stock routines and maintain stock items must be allowed.
Supplier File
Allows the operator to create/amend/delete a supplier file, however, stock routines must also be allowed.
Stock Take Routines
Allows access to the stock check option within the stock check/period end routines option. Stock routines must also be allowed.
End Period
Allows the operator to end current period within the stock check/period end routines option. Stock routines must also be allowed.
End of Day
Allows the operator to run the end of day process within the retail system.
Book Stock Order In
Allows the operator to F6 book in a stock order, however, stock routines and stock orders must also be allowed.
POS Manager
This option is only required when using point of sale authorisation; the system may be setup so that void, no sale and/or return item will require authorisation when used. POS manager must be enabled for the operator to authorise this.
Transaction Audit
Allows the operator to view the transaction audit, however, x reports must also be allowed.
Amend Multi Buy Schemes
This option is only currently applicable on Center Parcs’ system. When enabled operators may amend a multi buy from the amend tables option. Whether enabled or not, this is irrelevant for all other sites as the option is not present within amend tables.
Amend Messages
Allows the operator to maintain messages, however, amend tables must also be allowed.
Secure Reports
This option is only used if a secure menus are used within the standard customer reports (secure menus must be setup by ESP). The user will be allowed to view the reports within the secure menu.