Creating a new Monthly ‘Direct Debit’ is a three step process…
•Deciding on the type of Direct Debit payment to instruct.
•Specifying a Bank / Building Society account to make collections from.
•Specifying that the customer wishes to pay by Direct Debit.
Creating A Direct Debit Payment Instruction
On the ‘Renewals Grid’ of the ‘Renewals’ page select the ‘DDY’ option to enable the payment to be spread across multiply months of the year – subsequently change the number in the instalments box to reflect the number of months you wish to collect the amount over, in 99% of cases this will be the twelve months of an annual period.
If you decide to collect payments over a different number of instalments, you will be required to amend the instalment amounts manually. With the ‘Ins’ column highlighted, select ‘F1-Help’ to view the ‘Instalments Grid’, shown below. This will open in a separate window, and allows each months amount and collection dates to be edited, unless they have already been collected, i.e. are in a past date – in which case these will appear in Greyed boxes instead.
You may also decide to use the ‘DDO’ or ‘DDM’ collection methods:
•’DDO’ – Direct Debit One Time Only Collection – makes a Direct Debit collection once only, for the total amount due, and then retires the instruction. Used in particular for Joining Fees, and Union Fees. This can also be useful to make corrections to existing payments – please be aware of the rules governing collection of Direct Debit payments, when issuing additional instructions, see the ‘Direct Debit‘ website for further information.
•’DDM’ – Direct Debit Monthly Collection – creates an on-going payment collection facility, continues making the same collection each month, for an indefinite period of time, until retired. This method is primarily used by Gyms, and Fitness Centres, where there is no ‘Renewal’ date, the membership simply keeps ‘Rolling-Over’. This method of collection will therefore not create a ‘Payment Request Letter’ as would be created by using ‘DDY’, Yearly Renewal.
The Account Collection Details
Specifying the Bank / Building society collection details, these are used in the BACS collection report, and subsequently submitted to the ‘Banks Automated Collection System’ – it is therefore essential that every detail is absolutely correct in order for the Direct Debit to be successful.
If possible try to complete these details directly from a ‘Debit Card’ if the customer is present with you, alternatively check that there are six digits for the ‘Sort Code’ and eight digits for the ‘Acc No’, as all accounts compatible with the BACS system, will only ever contain this number. How do I ensure consistency in the Bank Details?
Finally, specifically that the payment, is a Direct Debit – by selecting ‘Yes’ in the Direct Debit box, to be found at the bottom left hand corner of the screen.