Maintain Daily Data #
The ‘Daily Data’ record file can be used to analyse trends in revenue capture, in comparison to details such as the weather. Although this is not an essential part of the system to maintain – it is a well respected technique, and therefore it is advisable to maintain the data held here.
White fields are editable, whilst greyed fields are system controlled, as is true in all areas of the system. The only data required is the opening and closing times, which may differ between the course / off-course facilities. Define the weather for the day, to analysis takings against weather patterns.
At the End of Day, complete the amount banked and Credit Cards fields on the right hand column. The amounts entered here will adjust the overall float totals, and keep an actuate record of float discrepancies, for recall at a later date. The ‘Daily Data’ feature also has a ‘Choose & Print‘ option, mirroring other areas of the system.