Close An Open Sales Ledger Posting
There are essentially two ways to close an open ‘Sales Ledger Posting’:
From The Sales Ledger Posting Menu:
From the ‘Main Menu’ select ‘Customer File Menu’ within which you will find the ‘Sales Ledger Posting Routines Menu’ as illustrated below;
Closing an open routine is as simple as clicking the ‘Close An Open Sales Ledger Posting’ icon.
By checking the ‘Title Bar’ at the top of the screen, the detail should now read:
‘Elite ESP ResortMaster – Sales Ledger Posting Routines’
This indicates that no ‘Sales Ledger Posting’ is currently open, and you are currently located within the ‘Sales Ledger Posting Routines’ menu of the Elite system.
From The Sales Ledger Page:
You may also close an open ‘Sales Ledger Posting Routine’ directly from within a customer record ‘Sales Ledger’:
Upon completion of any transactions on the customer ‘Sales Ledger’, select the ‘F2-Exit’ function key from the toolbar.
Continue to ‘F2-Exit’ back past to the ‘Customer Filter Screen’ – up until this point the ‘Sales Ledger’ will remain open, click ‘F2-Exit’ from the ‘Customer Filter Screen’, the following message will appear:
If you wish to continue, and close the ‘Open Posting’ click ‘Yes’, you may however, decide to continue with other activities before coming back to using the ‘Sales Ledger’ at a later stage, if this is the case, then select ‘No’. Please refer to the ‘ESP Recommends…’ section for further guidance.