Account Journal Routines #
If you are running an Accounts Integration System, i.e. Elite generates a file for importing into Sage Line 50, Sage Line 100, Agresso etc, the Account Journal Routines is where the details are configured and the Journals are created.
Everyday when the first person logs into the Administration System, account journal files are created in the system for the previous days transactions.
When you are ready to batch the journals together for importing into your accounts system, the following procedure must be followed.
Select the Account Journal Routines from the main menu of the Administration System and you will see a menu similar to the one shown below.
Select Create ‘Accounts’ Journal Batches. This will batch the journals together into one file and the system will return to the menu shown above.
Exit back to the Main Menu of the Administration System.
Select Attached Documents. You will now see a folder called Journals. This will contain the Batch Journal File which has been created similar to the screen below.
Select the batch posting that you wish to import into your accounts system and then select Action.
You will then get an option to Detach Attachment. When you select this option, you will then be asked where you wish to save the file. Once you have saved this file to your local computer, you will be able to import the file into your accounts software, e.g. Sage, Agresso etc.