Sales Ledger Routines
All financial aspects of the Administration system are controlled within the ‘Sales Ledger’ routines. Each record created in the database, whether it be a credit account for a company, or an individual record, for a single member, will automatically have allocated a new personal ‘Sales Ledger’.
The ‘Sales Ledger’ works on the principle of the method commonly known as ‘Double Entry Book Keeping’. As you will see throughout this tutorial, the basis of the calculations are simple, although with so many possible complicated scenarios, we concentrate here on the most commonly used.
In general people who are required to operate the Administration system, will in simple terms need to at some point during their job process transactions, for various reasons, and although this is not a standard point of sale routine, as used within the ‘Elite Retail’ and ‘Elite Food & Beverage’ modules of the system, the principle is the same, the difference occurs due to the fact that in normal circumstances the Administration System will be running in a non-customer facing environment, i.e. Back-of-House. Furthermore, although it is possible you may receive some payments in person, it is much more likely that the type of transactions which we address here are received primarily by post.
Getting Started
It is generally assumed that although as described above, it may not be necessary to receive payments throughout the day, the system has been designed around the principle that should you be required to receipt a payment at 9:00am, followed by another before lunch, and one later in the afternoon, that you are able to do so, without significant hindrance.
Therefore, based on the outlined situation, upon arriving at work it is recommended to ‘Open A New Sale Ledger Posting’ ready for the day’s work.
However, please, be WARNED, ‘Sales Ledger Postings’ are assigned to individual password controlled access accounts within the system, and therefore by their very nature make individuals accountable for funds passed thought them, it is for this reason that we recommend two guiding principles:
•If receiving money, by any method of payment, ensure that the actual physical payment is secured upon completion of the transaction, i.e. placed in a locked draw – or safe.•If leaving your work area / terminal for an extended period of time, for example for your lunch break, ensure that your ‘Sales Ledger Posting Routine’ has been closed, to prevent alterations to postings, or additional postings being made in your name, during the period whilst you are away.
Remember: every ‘Process’ actioned by your user ID within the system, is included within a system audit trial, for this reason it is important to keep your system access details secure, and physical access protected.
Please select an option from the menu below
Split Sales LedgerNew Sales Ledger PostingClosing A Sales Ledger PostingAdd To A Previous Sales Ledger PostingSales Ledger Batch PostingSales Ledger CleardownSales Ledger Transfer